Serial Enabled 16x2 LCD - Black on Green 3.3V

SKU : SE16x2LCD-BoG3.3V


1,250.00 ฿

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The SerLCD v2 module is the latest serial LCD module from Spark Fun Electronics that incorporates many new features. The SerLCD backpack takes care of all the HD44780 commands allowing seamless integration with any micro that can communicate at 9600bps TTL serial (do not attach directly to RS232 port). The SerLCD v2 has the ability to drive up to 1A directly for backlight control or as a general purpose high-power control pin.

Unit comes with 2x16 LCD with LED backlight and screw terminal connector as shown. Contrast control is implemented through a trim pot on the module.

Note: This is a 3.3v Serial LCD. Connect to a 3.3v power source.


 - New PIC 16LF688 utilizes onboard UART for greater communication accuracy

 - Greater processing speed at 10MHz

 - Incoming buffer stores up to 80 characters

 - Backlight transistor can handle up to 1A

 - Pulse width modulation of backlight allows direct control of backlight brightness and current consumption

 - All surface mount design allows a backpack that is half the size of the original

 - Faster boot-up time

 - Boot-up display can be turned on/off via firmware

 - Dimensions: 1.425x3.15" - 1" Thick

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